"One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." -Andre Gide

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

He Said, She Said

We are approaching another anniversary: one more year of marriage; one year as Captain and First Mate. It was on our last wedding anniversary, one year ago, that the idea of owning a boat first came up.

He Said

I wasn’t sure that the First Mate would go for it, but even after all these years she can surprise me. I thought it would be viewed as another hobby/sporting event that would require more time apart. She was actually very enthusiastic about having a project together and becoming the first mate. So after a year of cleaning, sanding, painting, and more cleaning I am happy to say that I think it was a good decision. We have had some good times along with the hard work. The BBQ’s with friends, learning new things, and sunset cruises have created the kind of quality time and memories that this Captain would highly recommend!

She Said

I was really excited when Truman took the sailing class at the yacht club last year. I have always gotten seasick, like with deep-sea fishing and whale watching trips, so I never considered that I would actually sail with him. But our harbor is really quiet so I started to entertain the idea of floating around, sunbathing, wine-drinking, and generally looking like Goldie Hawn on Overboard. Then I started thinking about getting my hands dirty and “taking it all out on the boat.” Sanding and painting, waxing and washing are free therapy sessions! And Truman has always wanted to buy a boat and possibly live aboard. What wife could possibly resist the opportunity to give her husband a little slice of his dream? I said, “Yes, let’s do it,” and the next week we went out and bought the boat!


  1. Fun post - and oh yeah, I took that picture! :)

  2. I have been following the blog. Sharing tidbits here and there with inlaws that sailed around the east coast for 2 years. Just thought I would say I think you guys are adorable. It is fun to follow.

  3. Tim- Yes, it is your picture! I couldn't find a better one of my own to go with the post. Thanks :)

    HeatherC- Glad to see that you are enjoying the blog. The Captain says that "adorable" wasn't what he was going for, but he'll take what we can get! I say "thanks" heartily! Cheers!


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